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Submit Guest Posts

Want to become a published author? Propertygeek takes this opportunity to invite you to get published with us via a guest post on our platform. After receiving multiple emails from you on the opportunities to collaborate, we decided to open the gateway with all #propertygeekians. We all know that “knowledge increases when shared” and this means that sharing is never enough. So, this is an open call to all the real estate enthusiasts who would like to share a piece on real estate and are interested in publishing a piece with us.

Your articles will be a great addition to our knowledge base and would only add more information for home seekers/buyers and narrow down their search within the community. Be it a tip, or a trick – we know it only makes the community stronger and enriched with information. Let us know your plan on what you’d like to write and we can discuss your post at length.

How To Start?

This is your chance to spread your word, be heard, share, enrich the community, and help more seekers find their dream homes. All you need to do is-

  1. Fill out the form below
  2. Share your thoughts with us – and let’s work on that together
  3. Get published – literally in just a few clicks!

YOU can help someone make their dreams come true (and also get yourself published!). You never know, your piece could save someone from the hassle of house hunting – be the key to someone’s dreams!!